Review as of Volume 1 This was a pretty fun and lighthearted story. I really liked the art designs and the setting for the plot but I cant lie that not only is the title pretty misleading but the tags with which this book was advertised as have left me a bit confused too. I found My noisy roommate a pretty odd title given that the roommate in question isnt noisy at all and actually is barely even at home... I wish the supernatural part of the story was better advertised instead of focusing on the roommates part and how hot the supposed ML is. The supernatural setting was actually pretty fun and refreshing and it leaves enough room to pump out more lore about the characters. How did the ML enter this world what lead him to it why hes so powerful how do the MCs powers work why were they dormant all this time etc etc. I just feel like its a shame that this isnt marketed more as a modern supernatural story because from the outside it just looks like another BL with a fun cover and pretty art. Oh and speaking of that this is advertised as BL and im a sucker for slow burns but theres not even indications of romance flourishing in this volume so it was a bit of a let down... There were honestly plenty of occasions that could lead to a show of any kind of feelings i mean theyre living together and even sleeping under the same futon but there was really nothing to hold on to... I wonder how the story will progress in this aspect Im curious and I hope they dont just drag it out and then dump all of the romance bits at once... Dont get me wrong Im glad to see them start slowly not clicking instantly or a case of love at first sight I just expected any kind of hint of any kind of feelings be it romantic of self discovery or whatever else. I also wish wed see more of their daily life. Sure them working together is important for the story but if youre gonna give your series a title that centers on the fact that the characters are roommates you ought to show them being roommates more often... Putting these aside the story is actually pretty fun. Its not exactly spooky even tho it deals with curses but its also not a goofy gag story. I want to learn more about the two main characters we already got a tiny glimpse at their upbringings but i hope they can be more fleshed out in the following volumes. Overall this is a pretty fun story but I think it couldve been advertised better starting from that title choice and if youre looking to read this because of the BL tag you might need to hold on to delusions for now and keep your expectations low. The art is great and pretty unique so thats definitely a bonus.
70 /100
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