PlusSized Elf Review. This is my first review so please forgive me if its not great. Introduction: Anyways PlusSized elf This was definitely one of A show of the season from its animation and voice acting and Opening and Ending themes to its overall premise and jokes this was definitely a show you could have watched this season. The real question of course is should you have watched it? Frankly no. Before we get into the reasons why this show doesnt work lets just have a quick recap. This show follows two characters Elfuda the elf very creative name who travels through a portal into the modern world and proceeds to get a peak American body by gorging on French fries and the generic nice guy massage therapist Naoe who helps her to lose the weight. Through the series they meet other fantastical creature who are also dealing with weight related issues. 500 Problems: This leads to the first problem the repetitiveness. Every episode feels the same: Elfuda and Naoe meet generic overweight creature 73 and help them to lose some weight. This of course gets very boring after a while and detracts from the quality somewhat but to be honest it wasnt that bad given that It didnt market itself as anything different and I expected it from the beginning so overall not the worst problem this show has. Next is the art. Studio Elias is not a very successful with only this show and a random hentai three years under its belt. With this in mind I cant fault this show for having a generic and forgettable art style. The animation through the main part of the show was also fine given the circumstance though a little powerpointy at times. However the dance sequence from the opening theme made me cringe so hard that I had to include it in this review. Oh couldnt you have just skipped it. yes I can and I did but you know what this is my review and I can talk about whatever I want... so shut up... /s Last point want to bring up was the incessant use of nudity as both a plot point and comedic relief. Now I am by no means a religious fundamentalist but I do believe that for the most part that porn should be porn and that TV should be TV unless it meaningfully makes sense in the context of the story. This was not that. This show had clothes being torn every 2 minutes in overly ridiculous and force ways which lost any sense of humor or shock after the first or second episode. While the thirteen year old in me was going crazy the older part on me got annoyed real quick. I just dont get it. 500 Conclusion: So with all these point this must mean that I actively hated this show right? Actually no. Despite these point I still had a pretty decent time watching it. I dont know why but I am pretty easy to please so I guess it isnt to surprising that I had a fun time. I have no discernible reason to enjoy this show or rather I dont really feel like searching for one so im not gonna explain it. Anyways to sum it up: Was this show good? No Did I enjoy this show? Yes Should you watch this show? Sure knock yourself out. Im a reviewer not a cop. Rating: On a quality level I would put it at about a 45 but I enjoyed this show so Ill raise it up to a 60. Deal with it.
60 /100
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