Flavor: Story is 80 Welcome to the NHKstyle sliceoflife and 20 battle manga. The slice of life parts are charactercentric with a minimalist cast. Similar to Bakemonogatari Spectral Wizard relishes with the interplay between the protagonist and that chapters spotlight character. Like Crystals secondbest work GameBu Characters come in three flavors: Depressive Manic and Normie. Depressive characters like Spectral Wizard herself cope with the world by being sad most of the time. Its fun to explore their psychological problems and the culmination of their various neuroses can lead to hilarious moments of black comedy or a battle scene. Manic characters cope with their problems by acting in a hyperexaggerated clownish manner. They serve as a contrast to the depressive characters and can cushion cynical jokes with loads of sugary moe flavor. Normie characters are sane enough to manipulate the others into doing what they want until those others get crazy enough to turn against them. Summary: After surviving this books version of the Wizard Holocaust Spectral Wizard is kept on a loose leash by the science knights so she can fight other wizards. The story explores Spectrals relationships with the corporate science knights and with surviving wizards who may or may not be evil. Art: Powerpuff Girls art style that sometimes feels like Mogeko Castle or Waganohara Under the Sea. Nothing will blow you away but its cute enough to be melancholymoe. Story: Sometimes Spectral Wizard fights for the knights sometimes she fights against them. Its fascinating to explore Spectrals and the authors complicated relationship with authority. Each chapter is a selfcontained story of 50100 pages when other books would divide a single chapter into 5 so youre getting a real mouthful. Spectral Wizards critiques on society are subtle the author trusts you to understand. Chapter 1 of book 1 is an excellent critique of how buying stuff cant help you solve all your problems and may even create more of them. A second read can put into perspective how the knights and society have trapped Spectral into a Consoomer/Capitalist loop that makes her dependant on them. Read Spectral Wizard if you like: melancholicmoe slice of life with climax battles Bakemonogataristyle minimalist cast depressive manic and normie characters Powerpuff Girls art style gapmoe of cute characters with mental health issues
90 /100
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