Nami Tamaki

Birth:Jun 1, 1988
Years active:2001-Present
Hometown:Wakayama, Japan
Website Japanese pop singer known for her young age and her powerful dancing. Her career took off when she was selected out of 5000 in a Sony Music Japan Audition in 2003 singing and dancing to Destinys Childs Survivor. She has various commercial tieins with the Japanese anime and games industry and has also performed in a stage musical and a movie. Her musical influences include American singers such as Britney Spears Madonna and Janet Jackson. Nami has a relatively close relationship with the ACG Anime Comics Game industry as she contributed to several ACG franchises with her music. Wellknown examples of her contributions include those in the Gundam SEED and Gundam SEED Destiny franchise the anime series D.Grayman with Brightdown as the second opening song as well as Sanctuary and one of the opening themes of the anime series Kiba. She also performed the song Fortune as the main theme for the PS2 roleplaying game Radiata Stories and CASTAWAY as the theme song for a GBA turnbased strategy game Super Robot Wars J.