Takehito Harada

原田たけひと, たけひと
Circle: Haradaya Associative names: Harada Yuuichi Haradaya Twitterhttps://twitter.com/HARATAKE Pixivhttps://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=6425 An artist employed by Nippon Ichi whose art has been featured in video games such as Disgaea Phantom Brave and Makai Kingdom. His art style has been described as crazy and bizarre and features everything from cute preteen demons to freaky pigs in royal clothing. His signature character Pleinair has appeared in Disgaea and Phantom Brave. Along with his work for Nippon Ichi Harada has published several doujinshi under the name of Haradaya. These include his kipple series and a Pleinair Handbook which consist of short stories interspersed with various illustrations and fanart.