
まいん, Main
Years active:2014-2020
A Japanese writer mostly known for the novel series Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai dehttps://anilist.co/manga/86449/NidomenoJinseiwoIsekaide/ that was cancelled together with its upcoming anime adaptation in 2018 after uncovered xenophobic tweets toward China and South Korea. They issued an apology on Twitter right after the situation unveiled and some days later deleted the account. The publication of his other current work Kuitsume Youhei no Gensou Kitanhttps://anilist.co/manga/101569/KuitsumeYouheinoGensouKitan/ suffered some delays caused by the whole situation but wasnt cancelled being published up until November 21st 2020 when the series then entered a short unknown status with no official confirmation on its cancellation or hiatus.