Taiji Yabushita

藪下泰司, 藪下泰次
Birth:Feb 1, 1903
Death:Jul 15, 1986
Hometown:Kitakawachi district, Osaka Prefecture, Japan
Along with Kenz Masaoka and Sanae Yamamoto Yabushita at the beginning of his career credited as Yasushi Yabushita was a pioneer of Japanese animation. After World War II he changed his work from animator and inbetweener to producer and director. In 1949 he codirected his most famous short film The Animals Play Baseball. When his company was absorbed by Toei he was appointed director of the companys first fulllength colour feature film and also of Japan Erzhlung einer weien Schlange 1958 White Snake Enchantress 1958. From then on he directed or codirected other eight fulllength films for the company and finally did a short film A Million Years in life of Men before he quit Toei in 1968. He is also author of two documentary films about the History of Japanese Animation 197273. Source: IMDb