Twitterhttps://twitter.com/YOSHIYASU Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/yoshiyasu4482/ Official Websitehttp://www.yoshiyasu.org/
She is a hot artist attracting attention all over the world. She was featured as one of the World hottest 29 artists by fashion calture magazine THE FACE published in U.K. in 2002 and held solo exhibitions in Tokyo and London.
Her sophisticated lining and coloring shape a pop and comfortable world of fantasy.
Besides graphical works she is multitalented. Her regular writing column Babes Wire Kawaikochan Tuushin for design magazine design plex made an appeal for the readers beause of her own point of view. In 2003 she organized girls band Hokorobi Gumi playing a Japanese traditional musical instrument. She writes music and plays Sanshin Shamisen of Okinawa in the band.