220https://i.ur.com/9zADUip.jpg Hola como su amado anfitrin le doy la bienvenida a mi perfil 220https://i.ur.com/PucoeAw.jpg Hola y gracias por visitar mi perfil le hablar un poco sobre m. Comenc a ver animes a finales del 2018 tal vez como mucho sabr Pokmon es un anime as que se podra decir que desde antes vea animes por Cartoon Network puedo decir que me encanto el anime. Se podran decir que soy un poco raro al seleccionar que animes ver ya que no tengo muchas expectativas cuando veo un anime porque me gustan aquellos animes que no llamar la atencin de un pblico en general sino unas reducidas aunque a veces elijo lo populares wn algunos casos Mi lista de espera onhold se compone principalmente de cosas propias no todos se ha iniciado es por prioridad. En la lista de Watching/Observaciones no todos se ha iniciado pero hay animes que quiero ver primero que otros. Tengo listas de respaldo en caso de cada o mantenimiento de AniList me puede encontrar en MyanimeList Kitsu AnimePlanet y Kaise con el mismo nombre de ac: EnderVsqz626 ac no se como anexa link En Discord me puede encontrar como endervsqz626. Hobbies: Ver Pelculas Series y Animes. Signo: Cncer Signo Chino: Jabal Personalidad: Aoo INFJA/ INFJ Gneros Favoritos: Drama Romance Supernatural Comedia Accin Fantasa Horror Misterio y SciFi. Gneros Explcito Favoritos: Ecchi y Erotica. Temas Favoritos: Gore Isekai Psicolgicos School y Vampiros. Demografa Favoritas: Seinen Shoujo y Shounen. Gneros de msica favoritos: Jazz Rock Pop y Cristiana English version Hello as your beloved host I welcome you to my profile Hello and thank you for visiting my profile Ill tell you a bit about myself. I started watching anime at the end of 2018 maybe as much as you know Pokmon is an anime so you could say I watched anime on Cartoon Network before that you could say I love anime. You could say that Im a bit weird when it comes to choosing which anime to watch because I dont have high expectations when I watch anime because I like anime that doesnt appeal to a general audience but to a small one. My waiting list onhold consists mainly of my own stuff not all of it has been started yet its by priority. The watch list has not been started yet but there are anime I want to watch before others. I have a backup list in case of AniList or maintenance you can find me on MyAnimeList Kitsu AnimePlanet and Kaise with the same name as here: EnderVsqz626 Ive attached the links to the websites. On Discord you can find me as endervsqz626 PS: if there is any error in the translation that is because my mother tongue is Spanish use google translator. Hobbies: Watch Movies Series and Animes. Sign: Cancer Chinese Sign: Boar Personality: Lawyer INFJA/ INFJ Favorite Genres: Drama Romance Supernatural Comedy Action Fantasy Horror Mystery and SciFi. Favorite Explicit Genres: Ecchi and Erotica. Favorite Themes: Gore Isekai Psychological School and Vampires. Favorite Demographics: Seinen Shoujo and Shounen. link=MALhttps://myanimelist.net/profile/EnderVsqz626

Genre Overview

599 Entries
576 Entries
527 Entries
380 Entries
Slice of Life
377 Entries
Total Anime
Days Watched
Mean Score
Total Manga
Chapters Read
Mean Score
