I like anime Ive seen it and loved it my entire live even without knowing that it was anime I started watching more regularly in 2014 because my friends wouldnt shut up about No Game No Life so I had to check it out... Im FrenchChilean so this allowed me to sail the seven seas more easily Anime is pretty big in both France and Chile so I was doomed from the start to fall into the animehole but nowadays I can watch RAW anime pretty easily still have issues with hard literature though. I have helped some circles with scanlations once or twice. If you cant find an anime Ive watched Ill make sure to try and help you find it. Although 9/10 times its on very accesible websites like Youtube or cat noise.si When Im active I like to update my anime list very often so it could spam your feed. I dont write reviews I dont have the discipline to do a well crafted and concise text for every anime I see when I could just throw my thoughts quickly into a comment that are closer to the ramblings of a madman than any form of critique if you want to know my thoughts on anything just ask. Scores both here and in MAL are very misleading when it comes to obscure and/or old shows dont be afraid to try the weirdo shit

Genre Overview

1081 Entries
820 Entries
804 Entries
Slice of Life
615 Entries
524 Entries
Total Anime
Days Watched
Mean Score
Total Manga
Chapters Read
Mean Score
