Welcome What I watch: I mostly prefer romance slice of life and drama but Im open to mostly any genre. Scoring: Im almost certain my scoring is completely messed up since Ive been doing this for years but a rough idea of my scoring system: 10 A 9 and more. At least a 9 on the below scale plus some permanent impact on my life. 9 Great: Enjoyed it felt it did something unique and/or appreciate the quality. 8 Good: Enjoyed it far above and beyond. 7 High Mid: Enjoyed it overall. 6 Above Average: Enjoyed it may of had some issues but didnt impact much. 5 Average: Literally just average. Ok with some problems. 4 Below Average: Didnt always like it had some issues. 3 Low Mid: Not a huge fan had big glaring issues. 2 Bad: Ya this is just bad. Never really enjoy it. 1 Awful: I regret ever watching anime. Note that 10s are not perfect they simply have a lasting impact on my life and represent what I enjoy most in Anime. Half scores are exactly that between any of the two above. Manga: I mostly watch anime so I wont rate manga. Ill probably still have my favorites listed if you are curious

Genre Overview

325 Entries
294 Entries
268 Entries
Slice of Life
264 Entries
251 Entries
Total Anime
Days Watched
Mean Score
Total Manga
Chapters Read
Volumes Read
