600https://i.post.cc/90xgkMKF/image.png I enjoy a fairly wide range of stuff from different countries outside of anime/manga I like webnovels classic scifi and Bollywood. I care more about art/animation style than story sometimes I like things that are colorful unique and visually appealing. Also Im bisexual and shamelessly weak to stuff with hot guys/girls though Im not the biggest ecchi fan. Rating criteria: I rate everything either as a whole number or as .5 eg 10 9.5 etc.. 10: Anime/manga either with zero flaws or that I like so much I can overlook the flaws. 9.5: Favorite anime but with a flaw that took me out of it or a great anime that isnt personally my favorite. 9: A good anime that is unique caught my interest or was very well executed. 7.5: A good but not noteworthy anime or an anime that could be higher rated but drags itself down in some way. 5.5: An anime with a lot of flaws but enough redeeming qualities to finish. 5: The point where it has as much to dislike as it has to like or I just didnt enjoy watching it at all. 4.53: While it probably has some animation or story flaws its here primarily because I found it a slog to get through and other people could enjoy it. 3: Actively terrible I dont rate Ghibli or anime with the format Music.

Genre Overview

80 Entries
71 Entries
61 Entries
42 Entries
40 Entries
Total Anime
Days Watched
Mean Score
Total Manga
Chapters Read
Mean Score
