400https://c.tenor.com/6F89AdrWr58AAAAd/lycorisrecoillycoris.gif Introduction Hey I am just a girl who likes anime. I like a lot of anime but my focus is generally on ones with largely female casts and especially yuri but I try to branch out as much as I can when I have free time and energy. Also as a note about my lists I have a priority watch list which is anime I am planning to watch before anything else that I am planning to watch or planning to rewatch it if Ive already seen it in full. And for my manga list I put manga I am keeping up with as it releases new chapters in pause and keeping up with so it doesnt clog up my reading section. Rating Info I use a 100 point rating system. I prefer it because it gives me more leeway than just a whole number out of 10. My ratings are based on fairly subjective things primarily the following: how much did I enjoy it while watching it how much it compares to what I expect out of that genre/type of anime etc. This highly subjective scoring is probably going to have weird anime with similar scores. Its hard to get a bad score ie less than 50 from me. 95 to 100 Masterpiece. It may have some flaws but they make virtually no impact on the quality of the experience and require indepth analysis to even point out. 85 to 94 Great. It has some flaws minor or major which do meaningfully impact the quality of the experience but not in a way which demonstrably hurts the whole. 80 to 84 Pretty good. Just below great it subjectively has a few extra issues which cause it to be slightly less than a great whole. 60 to 79 Good. Its a bit above the expected experience but falls short in a few key ways which bring its score down a bit. Enjoyable experience overall with some noted exceptions. 51 to 59 Above average. its close to the expected experience for its genre but elevates it jus enough to be above a pure average score of 50. 40 to 49 Below average. Its close to the expected experience for its genre but unfortunately where it does deviate its not done well. Probably still enjoyable to an extent perhaps if you turn off your brain somewhat. 30 to 39 Bad. Hard to enjoy even without your brain on unless youre making fun of it. The flaws outweigh its redeeming qualities quite a bit and makes the whole thing unenjoyable. 10 to 29 Very bad. Its flaws vastly outweigh any redeeming qualities it may have. 0 to 9 Horrible. The antimasterpiece. So bad it is almost impressive. While I put the ratings in these tiers obviously a higher rating is better than lower. A 30 is lower than 39 so while they are in the same tier here the 39 was more enjoyed by me but ultimately falls in the tiers description as a brief way to explain my thoughts on it. 400https://64.media.tumblr.com/76f15fff93a36a4796c4d021f55a0cf9/12c283983d96a97a30/s500x750/4b0872ae7531334b4bc67a9d2c7bb84f081568bc.gifv

Genre Overview

97 Entries
93 Entries
84 Entries
74 Entries
Slice of Life
74 Entries
Total Anime
Days Watched
Mean Score
Total Manga
Chapters Read
Mean Score
