i have many names parappanon yakisoba alma kenma vita. 300https://files.catbox.moe/wqjhqn.png i guess you could go call me by any of these it doesnt matter anyway. im just a girl who watches too much anime and in japanese subtitles to boot. i recommend you to check out hoppingtoppinghttps://hoppingtopping.com if you want to see what im up to or something i guess... how i rate anime 10/10: either this means its the extremely rare masterpiece show... or i just like it way too much and am unable to shut up about it. 9/10: its great. go watch it unless it really isnt your kind of show. most stuff that is indeed great actually hovers here 8/10: it was fun if you think you would like it you need to watch it. 7/10: nice i guess. if it was good enough it will probably end up here. 6/10: it might have been enjoyable at some points but boring at others. it might have been really mediocre or sometimes even bad but there was a standout character or story arc i might have really liked so it gets bumped up to here because even if i did not like the series i still really like a part of it. 5/10: also known as Mt. Mid. Sometimes you can find shows that started great and went off the rails here too. 43/10: I Did Not Like These Shows. Anything Less: KILL IT WITH FIRE

Genre Overview

78 Entries
Slice of Life
52 Entries
38 Entries
25 Entries
23 Entries
Total Anime
Days Watched
Mean Score
Total Manga
Chapters Read
Mean Score
