trashman baka shinji. 220 just someone who likes anime. and games. i watch the trash so you dont have to. banner source a few things to note about my rating system 1. icon means it is iconic: a mustwatch for anime or the genre as a whole. 2. resuable means its very good: great or one of the greatest of its genre but if it isnt your cupotea dont be pressured to watch. NEW RATING as of 12/28/23 3. recycling means its good: it performs above average from the rest but not to the point that it shines the brightest of its class. it still has some flaws here or there that brings it down. 4. compost means its okay/meh: its alright it has glaring issues and varying amounts of enjoyment. if youre okay with sitting through quite a bit of bad parts/episodes then go for it. 5. garbage means its bad: its not worth watching. major issues plague the experience that its just bad. dont watch it unless you see/hear differently this system is definitely a mix of subjectivity/objectivity from animation to story to execution and quality. every little bit could have been caught by me or missed. take it with a grain of salt.

Genre Overview

226 Entries
210 Entries
154 Entries
141 Entries
Slice of Life
105 Entries
Total Anime
Days Watched
Mean Score
Total Manga
Chapters Read
Mean Score
