currently obsessed with doomsday train anime. living in Lambstag. my daily anime streak started november 2022. my graph has some gaps i often update my list late at night. not doing any challenges or stuff like that not a fan of fun. i just keep track of things. amq ign: cheapuranium socials: Shaft fanboy. not a big fan of: shounen shows isekais isekais pointless ecchi seasonals isekais very long series with fillers please stop making isekai shows. i dont rate shows that i havent finished. there is an exception for shows that are so insultingly bad i really cannot leave them on my dropped list without a rating to warn others to never touch those under any circumstances. ratings explained: 10 absolute favourites 9.5 for amazing shows but not quite top favourites 9 8 for great shows that i would recommend for most people 7.5 6 for good but flawed shows still enjoyable. 5.5 5 for passable shows. not quite good but not terrible. absolute peak favourites: Series: Characters: 1. Revue Starlight 1. Homura Akemi 2. Girls und Panzer 2. Akiyama Yukari 3. Madoka Magica 3. Daiba Nana you may disagree but you are just wrong i am always right Fun fact My first anime was Lucky Star. My second one was Higurashi. The rest is history. PFP souce: Saki Biyori Otona no Maki Chapter 12 Page 4 numbered 356 bottom right panel. Position Zero.

Genre Overview

283 Entries
Slice of Life
219 Entries
126 Entries
120 Entries
110 Entries
Total Anime
Days Watched
Mean Score
Total Manga
Chapters Read
Mean Score
