software developer casual anime watcher When making a film make one that you enjoy. When watching a film watch one you do enjoy but respect others when they oppose your interests regardless of how they oppose your interests. Table of contents: Rating System Favorites Written Reviews Rating System: 0: Reserved for dropped anime. I could not finish these they were either that bad or I just lost interest/got bored. 125: Some of the most poorly made anime in my opinion and usually include a large combination of the following: Poor Animation Poor Script/Storyline Poor Production Pacing Camera etc.. Poor Character Design Poor Voice Acting JP Poor Adaptation. This rating also includes anime that are just too much in terms of fanservice/making me uncomfortable. 2640: This rating includes anime which are largely lacking much in one or two of the following: Poor Animation Poor Script/Storyline Poor Production Pacing Camera Ect. Poor Character Design Poor Voice Acting JP Poor Adaptation. An anime in this category could be good but are largely affected by the aforementioned categories and the rest of the categories while not being poor are still below average. Some have also made me uncomfortable while watching. 4160: The anime in this rating include: anime that may have made me bored or somewhat have some of the previously mentioned categories but still have a storyline that I kind of get. 6170: These animes are the ones that I have liked but only has one of the previously mentioned categories while the other categories are average or better. 7179: These animes excel in one or two of the following categories: Good Animation Good Script/Storyline Good Production Good Character Design Good Voice Acting JP Good Adaptation. These animes may still make me slightly uncomfortable while watching but overall it is a understood storyline. 8095: This rating includes anime that excels in most of the following categories in my opinion: Good Animation Good Script/Storyline Good Production Good Character Design Good Voice Acting JP Good Adaptation. Some of the anime in this category may start to differ from the categories listed above as they either: resonate with me more than others or a single category is exceptionally better than others I have seen. 95100: These are some of my favorites of all time. They do not at all follow the categories and can sometimes be the shittiest piece of garbage anime but have resonated with me or have instilled some sort of emotion in me that differs from the norm. These are animes that I have enjoyed watching and most likely have rewatched multiple times. Ratings are relative to what I watched before it so its not very consistent. Favorites Remember to watch what YOU like not everything that I or others recommend. If one of the below is to your liking I highly recommend checking it out. Also my ratings are based on how I viewed the anime not how you viewed it keep this in mind Anime Bocchi The Rock is one of my alltime favorites because all the characters have such unique personalities humor and design that create the framework in which the story can take place. As they say though content is king and bocchi most definitely has content. In terms of the story if you love music love funny little bits of getting past anxiety shown through some of the most comedic and amazingly unique animation which is a breath of fresh air from most of the animes these days I have ever watched you are in for a treat with Bocchi The Rock. Without spoiling the whole anime Ill just say its worth a watch. For some reason when I watched this the fact that teenagers were shooting guns really stood out to me I have no clue. The main reason I recommend this anime is not because of its animation character design or sound design but because of the emotions and storyline that played out. This teacher would be my dream teacher or anyones dream teacher and its not because of his noncaring attitude its because of his caring attitude. I wont get into much about what my dream teacher would be but if you want a kind of comedic emotional and inspiring film Assassination Classroom is an amazing watch. Its a long series with 46 episodes but from me its a highly recommended watch. If you do not have time there is a compilation film called Assassination Classroom the Movie: 365 Days Time This anime speaks for itself. Now I have read the 2 reviews on Anilist about it being bad n all but frankly I thought it was pretty sweet. Yes I agree it is a mess and gives very unrealistic views of romance although take this review with a grain of salt I have 0 romance experience and am a single male but thats what this is... In food terms I would describe this anime as a pound of sugar and well... I have a sugar tooth so I ate this shit up. I frankly loved this story a lot and was extremely wholesome unlike some of the anime romcoms these days. This is a very personal preference so maybe you wont like it but I dont think it will disappoint. I hope season 2 will be even better. Nothing prepared me for the first episode of this anime and I almost dropped it right there and then. The main character was edgy and made me heave with cringe dont try to imagine this. But I decided to persevere because someone told me it was good and I trusted said person and still do and I am forever thankful that I kept watching. Although starting edgy we see the main character transforming into someone loveable as the girl expresses immense kindness and later affection towards him. This anime has its cute moments and I would say that its very worth sticking it out into season 2. Overall the transition from cringe to cute/wholesome is done very well in this anime and really does show off his character and how just one person can change someones life. This anime is one to teach all of us just how to be kind in life and the effect it can have on a person. Anyways those are my current favorites. If you disagree move on with your life. If you are interested click the embed and it should take you to the page. Updated 7/8/2024 10:25 PM PST

Genre Overview

158 Entries
154 Entries
Slice of Life
100 Entries
76 Entries
61 Entries
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Chapters Read
Mean Score
