400https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4834/46400796852acb9212666o.gif 57https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4892/44594029830b2c01b723co.png Christmas: Day 1 I have the big Christmas spirit now. I have my desk all decoratedhttps://media.discordapp.net/attachments/356840781186596865/526895557776637953/IMG20181224235425.jpg Im all set. Today was the day when we all exchanged gifts with our close family which includes us and the grandparents. And then we had a fuge feast. AND THEN THE FOLLOWING 2 DAYS WILL LITERALLY BE EATING EATING AND EATING. No joke. Alright onto the gifts I got: A deodorant pajamas which are fucking dope and they are so god damn comfortable and jeans. Now onto the only thing I actually wanted: an ebook reader. Ive been bugging my parents about it for like a month already. Did I get it? Nope. Am I salty? A little bit. Oh well. That said tomorrow and the day after Ill be at my grandparents because its our sort of tradition to go to their house and eat there. VERY NICE Actually looking forward to it. I love food. Also Ill reveal my great plan for the winter break. Ill rewatch the remaining two alltime favorites Toradora and Yuru Camp and then move along to the seasonals and when Im done with those Ill pick out an anime from my Priority PTW. Or just finish up what remains in my Watching list. Yeah. Thats it for this day good night AniList and see you next day 57https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4892/44594029830b2c01b723co.png Next post Previous Post Current Streak: Posted 17https://anilist.co/activity/22279712 times in a row. Header gif: https://anilist.co/anime/100183/SwordArtOnlineAlternativeGunGaleOnline