Hey Tasurisuki o/ Congratulations on completing the 2018 Advent Calendar Challenge Thanks so much for participating in this challenge. It was certainly a task to get this going efficiently and we want to thank you for putting up with the first few days as everything was ironed out. We really hope you had fun with this challenge. If you did maybe youd like to check out some of our other challenges such as our Beginners Challengehttps://anilist.co/forum/thread/4448 if youve yet to try it or maybe one of our many Genre Challenges you can find on the AWC accounthttps://anilist.co/user/AWC/ Well also be using that account to post any new challenges and announcements so be sure to follow it if you want to catch all the info Here are the high quality badge sources. Add them to your profile to show off your achievement : Badges for completion: We have a website now to help with keeping track of all the AWC Challenges. Check it outhttps://alawc.nymh.moe/index If youre ever interested with interacting with your fellow Challengers and the AWC Staff we do have a Discordhttps://discordapp.com/invite/6eGstFT. Come hang out with us sometime We hope to see you around. Info on how to display compact badges in a line: