HEY ANILISTER WAIT ARE U AN ATTACK ON TITAN FAN ?? ARE U SUPER HYPED FOR AOT AND WANT TO REFLECT YOUR LOVE FOR IT ?? THEN HERES THE SOLUTION JOIN THE A TACO ON TITAN CLAN TODAY 240https://i.ur.com/JvPe9I1.png I am here declaring this as our official logo for the Clan.. To join the clan u just need to add the following two elements anywhere in your pfp Avatar just for a week. Use up all your creavity Dont forget to lemme know if u are in Rules To Earn Rewards 150https://i.post.cc/RhsCw48f/ChalkLine7.gif To earn 20 days Challenge badge participate in A Tacco On Titan 20 Days Challange https://anilist.co/activity/354206514 and keep the elements in your pfp for the 20 days. Tag me in all the your posts so that I will be tracking you and once you complete the 20th Challenge I will send you the badge you have earned. To earn the membership badge you need to recommend the challenge to another person and make them join the clan. Copy the following code and post it make sure to make it a public post : copy code https://files.catbox.moe/5hivdg.pdf To know more about the benefits of membership click here https://anilist.co/activity/368493666 .