Japanese Origin of the name Oregairu

I couldnt find a satisfactory answer in English so I somehow ended down this rabbit hole of Japanese internet history which was much more entertaining than I originally thought it would be. I dont normally try to explain Japanese concepts in English so hopefully my explanation isnt too convoluted. A simple Google search led me to these 2 pages: https://dic.nicovideo.jp/a/E4BFBAE382ACE382A4E383AB https://www.tobusatellite.jp/oregairuryakusyounaze/ Guile: Is everyone familiar with this Go home and be a family man Guile meme from the Street Fighter series? 220https://legendsoflocalization.com/wpcontent/uploads/2013/07/familyman1.png The Japanese version of this phrase seems to be the origin of Oregairu or more specifically . = ore = I/me = gairu = Guile 220https://pbs.tw.com/media/ETbF0uGUUAALJyr.jpg So in the Japanese version it says: translation: You probably have a family as well OR Both and can be read as gairu. EDIT: I should have specified that written in katakana means that its the name Guile whereas written in hiragana would be a normal grammar structure. And in Japanese the abbreviated name is specifically written as . The specific origin of the phrase isnt too clear but if we extrapolate from the above then Guile is saying I also have a family or = Im Guile. So this is where the members of 2channel sort of like the Japanese equivalent of 4chan/reddit thought it would be funny to append this double meaning phrase oregairu to just about anything else in the same way we would use meme phrases. Further research into this phrase seems to show that it doesnt have any particular meaning rather its just funny/dumb way of saying something similar to how people might imitate how Yoda from Star Wars speak. Name selection process: Because the original name of the light novel was too long the authors manager took it to twitter to find suggestions for an abbreviated name. I had to use the Wayback Machine to find the original blog post from 2011: https://web.archive.org/web/20120712015554/http://d.hatena.ne.jp/watariwataru/20110215/1297794528 In this blog post the author goes through the 57 possible names suggested to him and concluded that hamachi and oregairu were his two favorites but also said that hell leave it up to the fans to say whatever name they see fit although it appears that oregairu eventually became the official name. Take these explanations with a grain of salt as Im actually not too knowledgeable about this series and am only trying to translate the authors thoughts based from the articles linked. Hamachi basically means a young Japanese amberjack fish to signify that the protagonist is still young and in the process of growing up. Oregairu basically means Im here or in the context of the novels protagonist Ive been there done that too or That happened to me as well. The author also said he liked the simplicity of it and judging from his age I wouldnt be surprised if hes a Street Fighter fan that grew up with the 1990s arcade era. On the same note I wouldnt be surprised if a big portion of his fans at that time also grew up in the Street Fighter arcade era along with 2channel and its slang thus helping Oregairu pick up faster than any of the other names. Bonus: Another one of the suggested names was translation: My Love is Guile to which the author responded with translation: Holy crap how much do you guys love Guile?.
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