[spoilers] Ousama Ranking, and the anime's differences from the manga (up to episode 3 of the anime)

EDIT: I will not be updating this thread until MAYBE after the season is over mostly because seeing how different the first few chapters have been I dont want to risk spoiling myself. Itd be cool if I did a full on analysis of everything in S1 tho DISCLAIMER: I mainly made this because I love the anime so far and I was bored. If I missed anything feel free to call me out. So I watched the first three episodes of Ousama Ranking and absolutely fell in love with this show. I cant stop thinking about it and Ive had the absolute BANGER of an OP on loop for the past few days. So naturally I wanted to sit down and have a gander at the manga just to see what the origins of the show are. I was curious and I was VERY surprised at what I read. This isnt me trying to complain at how an anime adaptation can be ruined if not done completely faithfully but more so me showing the differences between the manga and the anime that Ive noticed. I should even go so far as to say that the changes they made have benefitted the show a LOT in terms of storytelling and pacing. I really REALLY like the anime so far. I read the manga up until the point where Apis walks away from stabbing Bebin and there were a few stark differences. I advise if you want to continue watching the anime spoiler free Id advise looking away from this thread as this stuff may be covered in the anime at some point if I had to guess? I cant be too sure though. Anyways lets get into it. 1. Domas Backstory In episode 1 of the anime after the king tells Domas that he needs to train Bojji harder they do just that. They go to train and by context alone its pretty easy to tell that Domas is frustrated that everything hes doing to teach Bojji just isnt working out. 400https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/789378365378527234/904182674351091712/unknown.png However in the manga inbetween the scene of King Bosse talking to Bojji we get to learn about Domas backstory before he became Bojjis instructor. 450https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/789378365378527234/904183909284204565/unknown.png 2. Kages backstory and his encounters with Bebin Kages backstory is mostly the same its moreso about its timing. In the anime the first half of the episode discloses Kages backstory. However in the manga its saved until AFTER Kage is captured by Bebin. In the anime when Kage discloses to Bebin that he was Bojjis friend... 400https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/789378365378527234/904185339764154398/unknown.png?width=830height=461 ...this is the scene where his backstory is disclosed. He tells his past to Bebin to come off as more trustworthy. We also learn some information about a King Bo and a Chancellor Geslan. 400https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/789378365378527234/904186286083047474/unknown.png Theres also 2 more things to note about his encounters with Bebin. In episode 1 Kage follows Bojji back to the castle to do some snooping around. After Domas tells Bojji that the king wishes to see him he follows Bojji back to his room while he gets dressed and he notices him crying. Kage has a bit of a monologue before following Bojji out of the room. He runs into Bebin in the hall and gets away by stabbing him the hand with his blade that he threatened Bojji with earlier on in the episode. In the manga this just doesnt happen. 400https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/789378365378527234/904187828060184617/kagerunsintobebin.png That being said in the manga their first encounter is in the courtyard AFTER Kage tells Bojji that he wants to be there for him and be his friend. Regardless of this this is the point where Kage is thrown in a cell. 400https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/789378365378527234/904189034404921394/unknown.png?width=460height=468 Bebin also says something interesting to Kage in the manga that isnt said in the anime after Kage breaks out of his cell. He sheds a bit of lore on the shadow creatures as well as says a thing about the shadows betraying their lords. 400https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/789378365378527234/904189966823858196/unknown.png 3. Bojji lifting the sword AFTER being healed by the queen This was by far the most apparent difference. It doesnt change too much in terms of overarching story but it really helped in terms of story telling. In the manga after Bojji comes out of his fight with Daida seriously injured Domas takes him back to his room to watch over him. As hes watching over him the queen comes in and orders everyone to leave while she uses her healing magic on Bojji. 400https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/789378365378527234/904191050384560178/unknown.png 400https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/789378365378527234/904191385433956382/unknown.png As she heals him she says some stuff that doesnt ever get said in the anime. 400https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/789378365378527234/904191672085282816/unknown.png As she heals she drinks some magic potions that inevitably cause her to pass out after Bojji is fully healed. 400https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/789378365378527234/904192535918964746/bojjihealed.png?width=446height=468 Bojji wakes up proceeds to be adorable. 400https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/789378365378527234/904192924336668682/unknown.png And THEN he leaves the room to a completely different area of the castle. 400https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/789378365378527234/904193162845753384/unknown.png Then the scene of him lifting the sword plays out as normal as Bojji tries to lift the sword but ultimately fails. Kage comes in and reassures him. 400https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/789378365378527234/904193664719417365/unknown.png 400https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/789378365378527234/904193981980741682/unknown.png This panel of Bojji crying in response to this was really funny. Its mainly because of the art style but in the anime it was way more emotional. 600https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/903565477773709322/904015595534700544/unknown40.png Comparing this to the ANIME.... Bojji gets back from his fight with Daida hes in a room with Domas. Kage is hiding under the bed. Domas says brb bro and he gets up and leaves. Then Bojji shifts around a little bit noticing the sword. He then falls out of the bed crawls over to the sword and tries to lift it ultimately failing. https://www..com/watch?v=qSG4TDyVUMabchannel=Nenjinime Kage comes out and does his whole speech. 400https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/789378365378527234/904195045001936906/unknown.png And then after that Bojji climbs back into bed. 400https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/789378365378527234/904195365442576415/unknown.png Queen Hiling comes in and then proceeds to heal Bojji. 400https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/789378365378527234/904195606975750174/unknown.png Quick note but the Hilings backstory is placed at the same point in both the manga and anime. After she heals Bojji and passes out it goes over when she first came in Bojjis life. 4. Bosses deal he made with the devil At the beginning of episode 3 it is made known that Bosse had passed away. While everyone is standing around him a demon emerges from his body and points at Bojji before disappearing. 400https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/789378365378527234/904197058888630302/unknown.png 400https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/789378365378527234/904197241055633428/unknown.png?width=529height=390 In the manga this plays out the exact same way. However it explains WHY this even happened to begin with. 400https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/789378365378527234/904197812856700948/unknown.png 400https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/789378365378527234/904197877021167646/unknown.png In the next chapter it proceeds to explain a deal that Bosse had made with a devil in order to gain the strength that he currently has. 400https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/789378365378527234/904198234883379240/unknown.png The devil speaks in an incomprehensible tongue one we cant understand. A translator nearby explains that he can get the power by trading the power of a family member. 400https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/789378365378527234/904198512609202216/unknown.png Bosse goes on to say that he doesnt have a family which is followed up with this: 400https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/789378365378527234/904198949588598794/unknown.png They also go on to say that it would shorten Bosses lifespan significantly. Bosse doesnt seem to care as he believes he was going to have a short life anyway. He responds to all of this triumphantly. 400https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/789378365378527234/904199285611048980/unknown.png Its pretty easy to infer that Bojji was harbinger of Bosses deal that he made though it wasnt explicitly stated that this was the case. I guess well find out as we learn more about the story 5. The sheer LENGTH of Daidas nose This ones pretty easy to explain I mean... Look at this panel. 400https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/903565477773709322/903971591958962216/unknown.png And then look at this shot from the anime. A clean screenshot taken from the side of Daidas face. 400https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/789378365378527234/904199920943235072/unknown.png These mfs really said: 400https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/789378365378527234/904200455712808960/longnosedaida.png?width=476height=468 Like legit this dude out here looking like Pinocchio on a lying spree.
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