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Gensenkan Shujin

1. Nejishiki (ねじ式, Screw-Style, The Stopcock), Monthly Manga Garo 1968-06
2. Sanshouuo (山椒魚, The Salamander), Monthly Manga Garo 1967-05
3. Tsuya (通夜, The Wake), Monthly Manga Garo 1967-03
4. Umibe no Jokei (海辺の叙景, Scenes from the Seaside), Monthly Manga Garo 1967-09
5. Numa (沼, The Swamp), Monthly Manga Garo 1966-02
6. Touge no Inu (峠の犬, The Dog from Prayer Pass), Monthly Manga Garo 1967-08
7. Yanagiya Shujin (やなぎ屋主人, Master of the Willow Inn), Monthly Manga Garo 1970-02 & 1970-03
8. Hatsutake Gari (初茸がり, Mushroom Hunting), Monthly Manga Garo 1966-04
9. Furuhon to Shoujo (古本と少女, The Secondhand Book), Meiro2 1960-02, redrawn an...

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