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Cigarette Anthology: Menthol

Anthology of one-shots by various mangaka dealing with the theme of cigarettes.

1. Toshinose (としのせ, Year-End) [Asano Inio]
2. Cigar-man (シガーマン) [Uchimizu Tooru]
3. Long Peace (ロング・ピース) [Ohtagaki Yasuo]
4. Goodbye Cigarette (グッバイ シガレット) [Ono Natsume]
5. Majo no Koibito (魔女の恋人, Lover of the witch) [Mizunagi Ryuu]
6. Fuyu Kitari naba, (ふゆきたりなば、, If winter comes...) [Yokoyari Mengo]