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An anthology of three Tezuka oneshots from the late 1960's.

1. Daibousou (大暴走/The Runaway Tanker)
Newscaster Goro Tsukinashi is invited to board the world's first atomic-powered, computer-operated oil tanker, the Osakabe Maru. While on its maiden voyage, everything that could go wrong, does go wrong. Can the passengers survive aboard this voyage of the damned?

2. Kojinkyou (虎人境/Land of the Tigermen)
Television director Goro Ibukuro makes his living exploiting the talents of others on his most popular show, World's Cruelest Acts. After hearing about a tribe of "Tigermen" that live in the hinterlands of Borneo that apparently have a miracle cure in the form of a ceremony, he decides to...

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