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Kodokuna Shima

A one-shot published in the May 1968 issue of Garo, containing two stories. In Island Solitude, a shipwrecked castaway daydreams about escaping the island he is stranded on with his wife and four babies. In Nichinichi Kore Koujitsu, an Edo-era city official notices a pretty woman drop her hair comb on the street, but a basket priest picks it up first and follows the woman to her house. The official follows the priest.


A one-shot published in the May 1968 issue of Garo, containing two stories. In Island Solitude, a shipwrecked castaway daydreams about escaping the island he is stranded on with his wife and four babies. In Nichinichi Kore Koujitsu, an Edo-era city official notices a pretty woman drop her hair comb on the street, but a basket priest picks it up first and follows the woman to her house. The official follows the priest.

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