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Hito no Jidai wa Owatta Keredo, Soredemo Onaka wa Herimasuka?

Within the ruins of 24th-century Tokyo, synthesized sustenance and cyber-drugs runs rampant as gangs roam the streets. But even so, humans still desire some good food. Tired after a long day of fighting? Welcome to the Restaurant of Miracles, Garandou!
In the kitchen we have Uka, a young-looking girl with the nickname "Gourmet Museum", working away with an angelic smile; while our waitress-slash-huntress Lyco intimidates any would-be troublemakers with her scary expression.
The two are always looking for new and unknown ingredients, going on chaotic adventures every day in search of anything and everything that could bring about full stomachs and satisfied smiles. From man-eating dragons, lethal mushrooms that ...

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