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Kurenai no Ookami to Ashikase no Hitsuji

All humans are wolves in sheep's clothing and the same applies to Douchinji Youichi, a boy who always daydreams about various things, but never says anything out loud. One day, upon seeing a red full moon, a girl came dashing at him before punching him with a silver knuckle, knocking him unconscious and unable to really remember the incident. The next day, a new student, Akatsuki Ayame, joins his class.

On his way home, Youichi discovers that the girl who punched him is Ayame, and her silver knuckle draws out what she calls a "wolf", a person's inner thoughts or desires, from a "sheep", the superficial mask which restrains the inner "wolf" from surfacing. However, when someone is full of desires and becomes obsse...

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