When people hear about the series Spice and Wolf they generally think about Holo and the romance she has with Lawrence since that is one of if not the most appealing parts of the story as a whole. However I believe that seeing Spice and Wolf as merely a romance story does it far too great a disservice to a manga that deserves much more. Because as much as Spice as Wolf is known for its romance Id say that more than 70 of the manga is spent solving mercantile mysteries and uncovering well hidden plots. Add to that a story of growth fostered through community and youll be able to see a fuller picture of just what Spice and Wolf has to offer.
Spice and Wolf in essence is a plot driven story. Like I said earlier a large portion of this manga deals with the economic travels of Lawrence has he goes to bring Holo back to her home in the north. This is the primary driving force of the story not the romance between the two leads. Honestly speaking I think that if Spice and Wolf were more romance than adventure I think I would have liked it far less. I thoroughly enjoy the fact that the story is set up in the way that it is: by giving romantic scenes here and there throughout the greater story arc it keeps the romance fresh while giving readers a break from some of the heavier economic warfare that takes up a majority of the series. In one fell swoop it manages to enhance both parts of the story rather than lose the audience in either half. The other thing that I really enjoy about this series though you could hardly call it uncommon is the fact that the end goal of the manga is laid out at the very beginning: Lawrence will take Holo back to her home in the north. Having a set goal like this rather than a murky one brings a sense of progression and anticipation as the leads get closer and closer to the end.
Beyond the plot we get to the characters which are likely the more memorable part of this manga to most people. When people think about the characters in Spice and Wolf they immediately think of the quickwitted and money minded Lawrence and his relationship with the witty and charming Holo and I am right there with them. I love the fact that their relationship plays out in a slightly different and more mature feeling way than a lot of the other series that Ive read. I enjoy their confidence in themselves to act in very honest ways with each other. I find the teasing war between the two leads to be cute and fun. But even in the character department there is much more here than youd expect. I wont talk too in depth into the side characters but each one brings new viewpoints and perspectives to both our leads and the audience. They prove to be fun companions powerful allies and fearful enemies to Lawrence and Holo and the way that our two leads change when with each of them make for some of the most interesting parts of the story to me.
And here I want to talk just a little bit about character development in this story. Another review for this manga wrote that the characters dont really grow because they dont really need to grow and I was of this opinion at first as well. However I think its clear upon further thinking that both Holo and Lawrence change quite a bit throughout the series although not in the most dramatic ways. As the story progresses you see the once proud wisewolf begin to come to grips with her loneliness and realize that pride means nothing in the face of joy. You see the money pinching Lawrence begin to loosen his grip on his coin purse as he learns more and more that trade is meant first and foremost to bring happiness to others rather than to make a profit for oneself. These changes naturally come about through the two leads interactions with each other and with those they meet during their travels. The lone wolf goddess comes together with the solitary traveling merchant and the two together become much more than they were alone. Spice and Wolf inherently is a story of coming together in relationship and community.
So then what flaws does this story have? I think the biggest flaw in the story is the occasional hiccup in dialogue between the two leads. There are times when I honestly have no idea what they are trying to say to each other. I think that the author is trying to show that they understand each other on a more fundamental level so that words arent necessarily needed but that doesnt mean that the audience will understand it. Maybe Im just not able to read between the lines far enough but I think that this issue makes some of the teasing banter very hard to get. The other flaw I can tell is the simplistic conflict resolution that happens for each situation that arises. Generally speaking there is never a big shock when you reach the outcome of any specific arc which may not really be a bad thing but its noticeable nonetheless.
So then what is Spice and Wolf really? Is it an economic thriller adventure a heartwarming story about the importance of community or a cute and satisfying romance? Spice and Wolf is a series that is able to carry all these ideas and do them well. Whether you like one of the aspects or all of them I think that there is something here for most people to enjoy and that is what makes Spice and Wolf such a great read.