MAL Trakt.tv Letterboxd Rating System Anime Manga 10/10: Masterpiece Along with obviously being artistic creative and narrative marvels a 10 has to resonate with me deeply on an emotional and almost transcendent level. Something clicks in my brain during or after watching a show that lets me know that it was a 10. However dont mistake this as something completely subjective its a combination of personal resonance and of a cohesive merger of all of the shows elements working in seamless harmony. These shows are not necessarily perfect but they were perfect for me and will always hold a special place in my heart. In most cases Id rather rewatch these than look for new stuff to watch. 9/10: Great/Amazing Absolutely amazing shows that I adore. Great ideas brilliant execution. One two or three elements stopped it from clicking for it to become a 10 but anything with this score is likely a favourite of mine. 8/10: Very Good Pretty good shows that I have few grievances with. Probably didnt connect with me much or had some debilitating characteristics but still super impressive. Most of these are very memorable. 7/10: Good Solid anime that had a notable amount of flaws or things that I didnt like but in which the parts I enjoyed vastly outweighed the bad. Im definitely glad that I watched these but they dont stick out much in my mind and I dont think about them often. 6/10: Decent Usually limited messy or disengaging in some way but I still generally enjoyed it. Still a net positive. 5/10: Mediocre/Average Basically neutral. Not good not bad. Usually boring or held back by a lot of problems. In the majority of cases I wish I hadnt watched these. 4/10: Below Average/Poor Poorly executed shows with a quite a few elements that I disliked but with a few redeeming qualities. Not disgraceful or anything. 3/10: Bad Actively bad shows with a lot of elements that I disliked and basically none or few redeeming qualities. 2/10: Pretty Bad Generally terrible. One or two decent elements or ideas but nothing that comes close to salvaging it. Or maybe it was okay and I just hated the type of narrative it was. 1/10: Horrible/Abomination Embarrassing. If I continued watching it was only out of morbid fascination.

Genre Overview

435 Entries
289 Entries
257 Entries
245 Entries
220 Entries
Total Anime
Days Watched
Mean Score
Total Manga
Chapters Read
Mean Score
