MAL: Although I have an AniList account I mostly still use MAL. So if you want to interact with me more talk to me there. My Anime Journey How I got into anime This is a pretty long story but here it is: It all started back in October/November 2019. I was playing a game called Subnautica: Below Zero. its a survival game. I had a jukebox in my base and heard a song by Dvide MusicA YT singer called Survive. I really enjoyed this song but I started to notice other songs he made which were anime songs. Note: At this time I thought anime was either extremely childish or just hentai. So I saw his Demon slayer Song/AMV. I thought it was good. Then I saw a few others but what really caught my eye was his DekuMy Hero Academia song/AMV and his Shigaraki song/AMV. I loved them both.. I watched the Deku and Shigaraki songs around March. So in May 2020 I was watching Netflix on my tv and decided I wanted to see if My Hero Academia was on hulu. Note: at this time I was impressed by the anime as the only other anime Ive seen was Pokemon... My Hero Academia was on hulu. So I checked it out and was hooked I binged all 4 seasons in a few days. But thats not the end of the story. You see I was one of those My Hero Academia fans. Definiton of those My Hero Academia fans: People who think its the only anime they will ever like so they never touch any others. This really set me back on watching anime. On the same month I heard people talking about how good Black Clover was. So I decided to check that out I watched the first 15 episodes and thought it was shit. So as you see that basically made me more convinced MHA was the only anime Ill like. A month later in June someone recommended me SAO saying its my favorite anime. So I decided to check it out obviously me being the MHA fan I was I checked to see if anyone was shitting on it. Somehow I searched on YouTube SAO SUCKS and didnt find anything shitting on it.... So I watched SAO and boy did I love it But I came across a problem Alicization at the time was only in sub. I never watched subbed anime or subtitled tv shows/movies before in my life. I watched the subs anyways and I still enjoyed the anime. SAO is what got me to get into other animes besides SAO this got me to watch: Re:Zero Shield Hero and basically everything else on my list. This is why I cant hate on SAO.... Note: I will continue to update this any time something big happens in my anime journey. Anime watching milestones My first anime was technically Pokemon XY but I forgot when I watch it. I also only started really watching anime back in May 2020. 1st anime: My hero academia DATE: May 2020 50th anime Grave of Fireflies DATE: October 2020 100th anime Clannad DATE: March 2021 Feel free to check out my favorites I can get into any genres. But I love to watch animes from the: Isekai genre Slice of life genre romance genre. Im also a big fan of CloverWorks Ufotable Kyoto Animation. I might add MAPPA and Wit too. These are my top 10 animes: Other stuff Waifus My previous waifu: My current waifu: Top 10 characters More about me Pronouns: He/Him Favorite singer: The Weeknd
Total Anime
Days Watched
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Mean Score
