220https://i.ur.com/64hkaL0.png Yo... You can call me AP. Usernames BadNutrition. Long story on how I got the name... Wont bore you with that though. Typed this up on my phone and Im too lazy to make it look pretty. Sorry. Heres my anime/manga backstory if youre interested: I only just recently got back into anime in 2010 after putting it off for so many years... Like many kids I grew up with Ghibli films popular Shounen Jump series like Naruto or Bleach and whatever else aired on Toonami back in the day in the early 2000s. Anime was just another thing to watch for me and I think I was too young to fully appreciate the medium and its storytelling potential. Ghibli films I thought were beautiful and they certainly sparked my interest in art and animation but I never really ventured outside of the mainstream stuff. Nowadays however with easy access to various streaming sites and whatnot its become quite the obsession for me almost to the point where everything else on tv feels rather dull by comparison. Im enjoying catching up on shows that I was originally unable to follow on a weekly basis such as One Piece discovering hidden gems from recommendations and checking out interesting seasonals whenever they may air. I also loved to read and still do as a matter of fact but manga was such a strange foreign thing to me. I never gave it a chance until much much later... Like after high school. As a young lad I was so hesitant to get into it because of the social stigma at the time surrounding people that read manga... Where I lived kids would bring Shounen Jump magazines into class do Naruto ninja hand signs and talk about the latest episodes sure but nobody really read manga. The kids I did see reading it well they were often picked on sat alone and were generally seen as weirdos even though they really didnt do anything wrong... At the time I didnt have a lot of friends and the ones I did have werent into anime or manga at all so I did my best to blend in and appear as normal as possible when I was around them... I was extremely socially anxious naive and too concerned with how I portrayed myself in school so I ended up staying away from a lot of stuff that actually interested me. I was afraid to lose what little social standing I had at the time. As an adult with even fewer friends... and still just as awkward witnessing the rapidly increasing popularity of manga in the west I decided to finally take the plunge and see what exactly I was missing out on. There was nothing to hold me back anymore. Id say the series that initially sent me back on this anime/manga journey was JoJos Bizarre Adventure which I would read the colored scans of during slow hours at my job at the time. I first heard about the series from a Twitch livestream Channel: Vargskelethor of the JoJos Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle video game. Everything I was seeing and hearing was so strange and interesting so I decided to check out the anime for parts 13 and man... Im so glad I did. Eventually I caught up just in time for part 4s initial airing and watching it every week was one of the coolest experiences Ive ever had watching an animated series honestly. From there I would watch reactions to the episodes for parts 14 and binge parts 58 this marked the beginning of my anime reaction channel addiction. After JoJo I moved on to other series such as Dorohedoro Vinland Saga Golden Kamuy etc... As you can probably tell from my stats... I havent really stopped reading or watching. Anyways feel free to recommend to me anything you think I would enjoy. Im always on the hunt for new series and people to talk to AP

Genre Overview

353 Entries
333 Entries
199 Entries
182 Entries
177 Entries
Total Anime
Days Watched
Mean Score
Total Manga
Chapters Read
Mean Score
