I try my best at everything I do but it never seems to be enough. Do I even try in the first place? I have no idea. Anime gives me a sense of happiness. An escape into a world that possesses things Ill never be able to enjoy in real life. Adventure Laughter Friendship Love. When Im watching anime it allows me to forget everything about my life and hold onto something that while might not be real gives me happiness nonetheless. Ive taken many hiatuses and breaks between watching and not watching anime but I always come back to it and its then when I realize how much happier I can feel and that there are things out there that can numb the feelings of the outside world that I so desperately try to forget. Is this healthy? No. Should I be sheltering myself from the outside world like this to pursue a limited sense of freedom by watching 12 episode long rom/com animes that only leave me with a sense of longing by the end of the series? Most likely not. But when have I ever been worried about my own health? Anime has taught me a lot of things and while I may not be able to practice those things in real life anytime soon I hope one day I will. For now I encourage everyone to do what the enjoy to the fullest. Be it gaming knitting running or just sitting in front of a screen watching 2 fake storyboard characters slowly fall in love. Do it without shame and only look back to the happiness it brought you and the lessons you learned along the way. Never let somebody tell you that youre wasting your life away doing something that you love. We all have our season finales but how will yours end? Did it leave a lasting impression? Was it faithful to the original? No.... you ARE the original and you shape your own true ending. So keep on writing your story. Some day people will watch your story and see for themselves the person youve shaped yourself to be.
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