An ordinary guy addicted to anime. 18 years old and have been watching anime since 2020. Like to watch every genre. HES BACK 300 People have to save themselves. One person saving another is impossible. Oshino Meme SCORING SYSTEM At some points I can be subjective and give an anime more or less points than it should be because this is my list. I usually dont give very low scores like 3 2 and 1 because I focus more on the good aspects of anime. 10 9 MASTERPIECE In every aspect the anime managed to impress me more than all the other animes and did everything I was looking for in an anime very well. For me they are the best anime I have ever seen. 150 150 150 150 8.5 8 GREAT The anime really impressed me when I watched it. Animes that I will put on my favorites. 150 150 150 150 7.5 VERY GOOD I really like it very much but I wont put it on my favorites 150 150 150 150 7 Passing Grade Animes that you will not get bored while watching and you can enjoy. Animes that got a passing grade from me. 6 5 Avarage There are parts I like and parts I dont like. 4 Bad There are very few things anime is good at. 3 2 Horrible Anime that I dont find worth watching. / Animes that you think about quitting many times while watching. 1 The Worst Animes where I question why such a thing exists 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Youre looking good. Did something good happen?

Genre Overview

354 Entries
285 Entries
284 Entries
234 Entries
Slice of Life
230 Entries
Total Anime
Days Watched
Mean Score
Total Manga
Chapters Read
Mean Score
