400https://media.giphy.com/media/14k4o2J0OBvqoM/giphy.gif So... Whats up? 24 English Chill guy. I normally watch finished anime only with the exception of One Piece and favorites that might potentially get another season so if theres a new anime out and people are talking crazy about it I will watch it all in one go without having to wait a week for each episode so sorry in advance for those that recommend me new ones to watch that arent completed yet. Favorite things to do is watch anime play video games and listen to music. If you happen to follow me Ill probably follow you back . Thanks for checking out my profile My alltime favorites are ones I ranked at 10 but these 5 in particular are the ones I value the most 400https://media2.giphy.com/media/ztlfI5x4kPqE/giphy.gif 400https://66.media.tumblr.com/c6250cd23548cf0df4e2592641cc3fc4/tumblrmlbqi1yYPe1s035gko1500.gif 400https://i.ur.com/UE2O4i7.gif 400https://thumbs.gfycat.com/QuarrelsomeSlipperyHorseshoecrabsizerestricted.gif 400https://c.tenor.com/9zCfXxNQxB0AAAAC/animejujutsukaisen.gif This is my rating system: 10 Holy crap I love this All time favorites right here 9.5 Unforgettable experiences 9 So epic/amazing 8.5 Really enjoyable 8 Pretty good 7.5 A decent one 7 It was okay 6.5 Kinda meh 6 ...How did I watch this? The reason I dont score lower than a 6 is because I try to appreciate any shows even if they have their flaws Im mostly indifferent when it comes to judging 25 of the time. Also the reason why I dont drop anime at least try not to is because I feel like it would be a wasted effort putting myself through watching one and then suddenly dropping it and I want to finish what I started too. I do Youtube https://www..com/channel/UCU8vpnbkrsRWHhGgmw7fcQ Mostly Fire Emblem Heroes and a little bit of variety streaming. If youre into that stuff check it out. 400https://giffiles.alphacoders.com/351/35182.gif I am also a top 20 Cinderace Onetrick/global for Pokemon Unite You can catch me streaming some of it on Twitchhttps://www.twitch.tv/ginkgo1 400https://c.tenor.com/4QruxKAEEusAAAAC/cinderaceaceburn.gif

Genre Overview

241 Entries
216 Entries
138 Entries
130 Entries
125 Entries
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Days Watched
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Chapters Read
Mean Score
