Howdy Im HOM Im an artist on other platforms this is where I catalogue the anime Ive watched. Looking to watch mostly OVAs and shorts for now but also recording anime Ive seen in the past. Ive been watching since I was a kid so Ive seen a lot of stuff. You might see me at anime cons in Atlanta. If you see the Roman with the sign its me. Im on Bluesky Tumblr FA AO3 Itaku and Pillowfort all HungryOnMain or some variation. Links are on my website. HOW MY RATING SYSTEM WORKS 0: Media that I consider unnecessary. This is mainly for recap movies/arcs of anime. Doesnt mean theyre bad Just not necessary for the bingewatch model. 13: Bad. 1 is utterly insufferable 2 is like 1 but doesnt make me want to stare at a clock and 3 is where I am at least sympathetic. A 1 feels like a paycheck that no one enjoyed while a 2 feels like a mediocre adaptation. 3 is best summarized as meh. 4: Trying. At least here people were trying. There was someone giving their all and that shows in the work. 5: OK. This is for stuff that I cant get into but understand how people are into it. 6: Good. Stuff that I enjoy but dont plan to revisit after completion. 7: Great. Stuff that joins my rewatch pile. From here up I consider buying DVDs and merchandise. 8: Peak. Something you can probably show your mom or your nonanime friends. If youre an anime lover chances are youve seen 8s and above as a lot of required viewing falls here. 9: The highest peaks of unironic anime greatness. Masterworks of storytelling animation and voicework. 10: Same as 9 but contains the highest honor of all anime: containing a Blorbo.

Genre Overview

31 Entries
29 Entries
29 Entries
27 Entries
18 Entries
Total Anime
Days Watched
Mean Score
Total Manga
Chapters Read
Mean Score
