Species: Human Gender: Male Hobbies: Guitar Anime Manga Gaming and Scuba diving Favourite types of shows/movies: Romance action fantasy drama. First anime: Darling in the Franxx Welcome to the dumpster fire that is my list Check my list to see the best taste in the universe List guides I set for myself 1. A show is counted as watching if I have watched at least 2 episodes. watching 1 then 2 but not finishing it means I have only watched 1 episode. 2. If I drop a show I need to reset the start date when I pick it up again. 3. most music videos are not counted for me. 4. If a show is on hold for me I can not change the start date unless I drop it. 5. movies cannot be dropped unless I watch it in cinemas and leave before it finishes. 6. If a show has no start or end date then that means I dont know when I started watching or finished the show. My MyAnimeList Account link https://myanimelist.net/profile/Lukazu
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