I am just your average weeb. I like watching all kinds of anime as long as they are not actually bad and I like most of what I watch and generally pick shows that are liked. My rating scale is like a tier list. 10=S My absolute favs that I love and I cannot praise enough. These are my personal favorites that I would include in my top 1520 range atm. ex: Gurren Lagann and Vinland Saga 9=A Great shows that are aboveaverage and stick with me. These are shows that I believe stick out and improve upon earlier entries or stand above a lot of other good shows ex: Mob Psycho s2 and SteinsGate 8=B Solid anime overall that hit my expectations. These are the shows I can say I really liked but did not LOVE: Jujutsu Kaisen and Fate UBW 7=C Decent and enjoyable enough. An average show that is nothing special but I think was worth watching ex: Demon Slayer and Shield Hero 6=D Usually underwhelming or a short/OVA that is just kinda there ex: Citrus and OPM s2 5=E Pretty meh with a lot of flaws. ex: SAO and FLCL Progressive
Total Anime
Days Watched
Mean Score
Total Manga
Chapters Read
Mean Score
