I mainly watch slice of life comedy and adventure stuff however Im not opposed to watching action dramas or romcoms. Not really into horror. I occasionally write longer essay reviews of shows I want to talk about. If you have feedback for my writing its very welcome as the main reason Im making reviews is to improve as a writer. I score in increments of .25 I know 5 rounds up but I round down for scoring. This helps show the difference between a soft/strong score while avoiding being pedantic with miniscule scoring differences. My Scoring Scale: 10: Above and beyond. Something about this series sets it apart from its peers. 9.5 9.7: Nearly perfect perhaps one or two minor flaws. 9 9.2: A series that I would not hesitate to recommend. 8.5 8.7: Has a lot going for it in spite of noticeable flaws. 7.7 8.2: Either seriously flawed series or all unrealized potential. 7.5: Eh. This is the cutoff for what I would consider positive. 6.7 7.2: Subpar. Enjoyment can be derived but overall not a particularly good show. 6 6.5: Barely acceptable. Would not consider recommending. Sub 6: A failing grade. Genuinely a struggle to get through and if I were a more reasonable person I would have dropped it.

Genre Overview

199 Entries
Slice of Life
136 Entries
130 Entries
126 Entries
106 Entries
Total Anime
Days Watched
Mean Score
Total Manga
Chapters Read
Mean Score
