jsonN4IgRghgxg1g5gJwPYFcB2ATEAuEBLNACwFME8AXEAXyA=== Welcome To My Profile 300https://media1.tenor.com/m/dBTdebBaoZoAAAAd/roxymigurdiamushokutensei.gif About Me I live in the United Kingdom I started watching anime sometime before 2020 these were mostly shows aimed towards younger people such as Pokmon and Yugioh but I gradually lost interest in it but then I started watching Jujutsu Kaisen while it was airing and reignited my interest for anime and I have been watching it since then. I always follow back I am very open to trying out any shows and dont have any disliked genres Socials osu https://osu.ppy.sh/users/13571846 AWC https://awc.moe/challenger/sakamata727 Twitterhttps://twitter.com/TheSakamata727 My scrobbleshttps://lastfmrecentlyplayed.vercel.app/api?user=Sakamata727 620https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1197707729201025034/1199473735120465960/FishbowBanner.png https://discord.gg/ZAQM4caV Milestones First anime: Akame ga Kill https://anilist.co/anime/20613/AkamegaKill/ 100th anime: Girlfriend Girlfriend https://anilist.co/anime/126192/GirlfriendGirlfriend/ 200th anime: ONIMAI https://anilist.co/anime/147864/ONIMAIImNowYourSister/ 300th anime: Recovery of an MMO Junkie https://anilist.co/anime/99726/RecoveryofanMMOJunkie/ AWC 2v2 AMQ Tourney Win https://i.post.cc/Pqzk85mf/image.png Rating Legend Keep in mind that this is based on my enjoyment shows that I have watched years ago may be rated higher or lower if I watched them now. I base my favourites on the series as a whole so that is why the first season of a show is always shown even if i liked a later season more. 10 Masterpiece 9 to 9.9 Amazing 8 to 8.9 Great 7 to 7.9 Good 6 to 6.9 Alright 5 to 5.9 Ok 4 to 4.9 Meh 3 to 3.9 Bad 1 to 2.9 Very Bad 0.9 to 0 Basically a Memetic Kill Agent 350https://discord.c99.nl/widget/theme1/787081912123916288.png Profile Picture Source https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/87299208 Profile Banner Source https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/94537474

Genre Overview

237 Entries
Slice of Life
174 Entries
152 Entries
129 Entries
124 Entries
Total Anime
Days Watched
Mean Score
Total Manga
Chapters Read
Mean Score
