As you would expect from pretty much anyone who uses this site Im a big fan of anime the main draw for me is getting immersed in all sorts of different worlds or falling in love with a fun set of characters in a more downtoearth setting. In fact the characters are pretty much always what make an anime great for me and I can enjoy most genres as long as the cast are entertaining. Even though I dont watch quite as many series as I did when I was younger I still love sitting down with a good show every once in a while. In the past Ive been attempting to muster up the motivation to add notes detailing my thoughts on everything Ive watched though thanks to a combination of other life commitments and general laziness who am I kidding its mostly that last one Ive still got a long way to go. That said I would still like to keep updating them every now and again. The lengths of these notes will vary depending on how well I actually remember them and otherwise how much I loved/hated them but its a fun time to just look back and talk about all these old anime again. At the end of the day it is pretty much rambling about whatever comes to mind when I think of the show too which is why I make no attempt to make these into formal reviews hopefully its at least somewhat coherent If youd like to find me elsewhere on the great wide web check out my Carrd:

Genre Overview

413 Entries
Slice of Life
279 Entries
249 Entries
246 Entries
218 Entries
Total Anime
Days Watched
Mean Score
Total Manga
Chapters Read
Mean Score
