Welcome to the most reliable source of objective truth 220https://pa1.narvii.com/6018/88358b50e765d5a0fcb162e37ce08d0c331c5e74hq.gif What to expect: I read manga mostly and try to finish at least 56 series a month. There is occasionally an anime here and there. Each entry in my lists is paired with a short comment. Feel free to comment if you want to disagree with what I think or want to ask/discuss something I and a friend of mine have a personal blog. We write about anime and manga and post twice a week. Check us out: https://koffreviews.wordpress.com 320https://thumbs.gfycat.com/VengefulWarmAntbearsizerestricted.gif 320https://64.media.tumblr.com/0962476005e7a3c0acc782bdeee2d5aa/tumblrnymcmlbuX41tydz8to2540.gifv 320https://i.pin.com/originals/3c/ee/62/3cee627ab9f455a0f14739ba5edbf81a.gif Golden rules: 1. Seinen is overrated. Most titles heavily rely on gore violence and nudity to carry a lackluster narrative. 2. Brilliant visuals never lead to a 10/10 if they are the only strength of the title. 3. It is never necessary for a title to have phenomenal themes or be deep in any way to be good provided that it is enjoyable enough to compensate. 4. Trigger is not a great studio by any means. 5. Berserk lost its edge after the Conviction arc. 6. Kingdom is nowhere near as good as Vinland Saga Vagabond or Berserk and has no place in the list of greatest manga 7. Vagabond is not perfect as there is no conclusion. 8. Watching ongoing anime should not be seen as a necessity. 9. There are countless highly acclaimed titles that are worth checking as well as many underrated ones thus claiming that there is nothing to read/ watch is absurd. 10. Shinichi Sakamoto is budget Takehiko Inoue 11. Contrary to popular belief the manga is not always the superior version. 12. Paru Itagaki is better than Keisuke Itagaki all around.

Genre Overview

258 Entries
221 Entries
151 Entries
142 Entries
140 Entries
Total Anime
Days Watched
Mean Score
Total Manga
Chapters Read
Mean Score
