23 Joined Jun/2019 writer wannabe art critic i love high energy anime with lots of action i also have a tremendous soft spot for spy/secret service kaiju media worldbuilding is a crucial aspect i cannot live without Scoring details: scores go by my subjective criteria. i try to be as impersonal as i can. bad grade disliked. i go by a good cast can carry a bad plot but i draw the line at worldbuilding. i excuse/compensate certain topics with another topic if it is well executed. i try to honour my personal high standards for movies. Criteria list: 1. general appealstructure exposition first episode 2. charactersbasis development 3. storynarration worldbuilding pacing 4. audioost sfx voice acting 5. visualsanimation design creativity Scores: 5 special place in my heart top quality excellent 4 good would rewatch and recommend 3 couldve been better but does the job 2 downhill to trash and/or lacking mediocre at best 1 irredeemable regrettable not worth the time
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