He/him 26 Trails/WTC apostle Recent masters graduate Life long Virginia resident. Long time nerd newish found otaku. Feel free to talk with me anytime Im usually down for a chat. Favorite liveaction film: Die Hard Favorite video game: Trails in the Sky Favorite liveaction TV show: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Favorite song: Deacon blues Favorite book: Slaughterhouse 5 Rating system: 10 A personal masterpiece. This is a show that completely resonates with me and is on my mind a lot of the time. Do not give this out lightly. BR/DVD: Want these on my shelf as soon as reasonably possible. Would shill the extra out for a premium box set. 9A great show. Generally what I would call a personal favorite. While not as excellent as my 10s these are shows that get my highest recommendation. BR/DVD: Actively looking to buy these. 8A very good show. While not one of my favorites these are shows that are very good in their own right. BR/DVD: Would be happy to own this. 7A good show. These are shows that I had a good time with but lacked a certain something in order for to consider it great. BR/DVD: Cool with owning this no rush. 6A fine show. Does most things well enough but either was unimpactful or had too many flaws for its own good. BR/DVD: Would be fine with owning this. 5Mediocre Nothing great but nothing bad. Average as average comes. BR/DVD: Ill take it I guess. 4Not good These are shows that are just plain not very good. Though they were good enough for me to spend the time to finish so that says something. BR/DVD: You mind trading this out. Near instant drops: 3 A poorly put together story in all senses of the word. This is when a show starts becoming painful. BR/DVD: No 2An insult to either myself or its genre. BR/DVD: I said no 1If a masterpiece is everything that a story can do right this is a show that shows everything a story can do wrong. An affront to the concept of storytelling. BR/DVD: What is wrong with you? https://myanimelist.net/profile/stumonster

Genre Overview

279 Entries
255 Entries
253 Entries
Slice of Life
191 Entries
167 Entries
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